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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140309

For all that it's worth
A week's pick of mirth
Arranged single file
Can cause one to smile. 

But comments appended
If carefully tended,
researched and designed
Can open one's mind

1. Fink Failure

News Flash: The King of Id (his subjects call him a fink) couldn't pass the GOP's conservative purity test. 
It doesn't matter that the King would raise taxes on the over-taxed and under-served peasants of Id. If he was a politician in today's über-conservative GOP, even considering a tax increase would trigger a primary challenge from the far-right. The king doesn't have to run for office, of course. Unfortunately, incumbent, moderate Republicans in "safe," gerrymandered congressional districts must run the Tea Party gauntlet
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2. Cross-Continent Consternation

Now that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has vetoed SB 1062,  we turn our attention to Florida where the legislature and the governor are hell-bent on proving that they can out-bigot their Arizona counterparts.

3. A Fiendishly Fustian Phenomenon

fustian |ˈfəs ch ən|
1 thick, durable twilled cloth with a short nap, usually dyed in dark colors.
2 pompous or pretentious speech or writing : a smoke screen of fustian and fantasy.ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French fustaigne, from medieval Latin fustaneum, from (pannus) fustaneus ‘cloth from Fostat,’ a suburb of Cairo; sense 2 perhaps from the fact that fustian was sometimes used to cover pillows and cushions, implying that the language was “padded”; compare with bombast .
Like a Russian matryoshka doll, the title, the definition in red (above), this commentary, and the content of the comic (below), constitute a nested recursion with a kernel of truth at the center. Just as it is wise not to judge a book by its cover, it is equally important not to believe one is dealing with a republic based on its official title.
In much the same way, one should be wary of the proclamations emanating from political action committees (PACs) with names dripping with patriotic and religious buzzwords.

3. But First He Butters Them Up

4. Candidate Candor

5. Dumbing-Down America's Children - Part 1

6. Dumbing-Down America's Children - Part 2

7. Running on Double Standard Time

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8. Dumbing-Down America's Children - Part 3

9. Dumbing-Down America's Adults

10. Literal Em-Bare-Assment

This Calvin and Hobbes comic strip reminds me of politicians who use biblical literalism to figuratively moon the rest of society by adopting a posture of self-righteous superiority and demanding that everyone accede to their narrow point of view. They are an embarrassment to our nation and an impediment to meaningful solutions to the problems facing us.
They don't need to be taken out for dinner; they need to be taken out of office.

11. Graham Cracker

12. Bedtime Story- A Grim Tale

13. Fishing For Compliments

Nothing warms the cockles of a blogger's heart than a cartoon that validates his efforts. I'm still waiting for such a cartoon.  
This one is definitely not it. 

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