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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Funnies 140302

1. Computer Geek Wizardry - An Overview

Since retiring from teaching in 1996, I have been a computer consultant. I'm not sure I like seeing all my secrets revealed like this.

2. A Change of Hart

The late Johnny Hart (1931-2007), creator of  the B.C. comic strip and co-creator of The Wizard of Id, became somewhat of a controversial figure late in life with his "tendency to incorporate his (extremely conservative) religious and political themes and ideals into his comic strips." I believe that he would not be at all happy with the decided turn to the left taken by those who have continued to ink B.C. and never would have drawn a strip like the one below. 
I understand and appreciate the position of those who would argue against such changes to and established body of work; however, I believe this "change of Hart" serves to illustrates the essential difference between conservative Christians who pay lip service to the words of Jesus while stuck in a BC (BCE) mindset and Christians who have taken to heart those words and work to create a truly AD (CE) world.

3. This Blog Rocks

4. Government Warnings and Personal Responsibility - A Sharp Comment

5. The GOP Embraces Evolution

Their talking points mutate just like the AIDS virus and make it almost impossible to eradicate the stream of bullshit about our President.

6. Obamacare Headache - Take 50 repeal votes and call me in the morning.

7. Evolutionary Reincarnation?

What goes around comes around better able to come around again, and again, and again, and... (This is another B.C. strip that Johnny Hart would never have drawn.)

8. Calvin Joins The Young Republicans Club

9. Arizona's SB 1062 At Work - Part 1

10. Arizona's SB 1062 At Work - Part 2

11. And A Cherry On The Bottom of Today's Sunday Sundae

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